Student Stories: Cameron Maloney

I entered Hope College in 2019. I came in wide-eyed and excited to start the next chapter of my life. I grew up attending Catholic schools and I had grown accustomed to the structure of faith being implanted in my daily routine. When I got to Hope that mandatory structure was gone and instead I had multiple, optional, opportunities. This gave me a unique chance to truly make my faith my own. I sought out more opportunities to practice my faith on campus. This is when the Saint Benedict Institute became a part of my life.

It all started when Fr. Nick invited me to get coffee during my freshman year. I learned about daily Mass on campus, adoration, confession, and spiritual mentorship. All of these things were offered to me, and I quickly made them a part of my weekly routine. The opportunities that the Saint Benedict Institute offered and the community that came with it changed my life. My faith was challenged, pushed, and expanded. My belief in God seemed to grow with every conversation that I had and from every question that I asked.

This year, as an intern for the Saint Benedict Institute, I have been given an incredible opportunity to pour into underclassmen who are like me when I was  their age. I get a chance to witness their faith life growing as they ask the same questions that I wrestled with. And I get to lead them through a program that drew me closer to the Lord, Exodus 90.

The Exodus 90 program is something that I have participated in since my freshman year. It is a rare opportunity that allows me to be in community with a group of guys who want to give everything they have to the Lord. Since this program became, and continues to be, such a big part of my faith journey, I decided to get more involved and to help others experience the gift of Exodus. As an Exodus 90 intern, I mentor students and leaders through the program in hopes that it changes their lives, just like it did mine.

Cameron Maloney is a senior from Lansing, Michigan. He is studying mathematics and religion. Cam works as an Exodus 90 intern for the Saint Benedict Institute. At Hope College, he is involved with residential life, campus ministries, intramural sports, admissions, and Dance Marathon.